20/JohorBahru,Malaysia/A blogger since 2008/Professional and Intellectual Accountant to be.

Desperately desperate!

here's the problem ;

about my very-nerd-looking brother , ariff .
i pity himm because he havent watch any movies for this hols .
avatar is in cinemas now ,
and i really wanted to watch this movie wit him .
he keeps talking about this movie .

when we went to KL last week ,
i tot that maybe we'll have the chance to watch the movie at sunway
because my cousin , dinie got 8a's for her pmr .
yuuppp , dia ckp kat parents dia kalau dia dpt 8a ,
the first thing that she wanted to do is "tengok wayang"
too bad , x dpt plakk kesian betul laaa :(

im gonna go back to my asrama-life within two days ,
and im not sure whether i wanna move school or not .

okayyyy out of topic BLEGH ape nihh

so my chance to watch avatar cuma tomorrow
and the day after tomorrow
i just wanna make my brother happy
ohh pleaseeeeeeeeeee

transport ;
i cannot go there (cs) by bus
because my dad wont let me , for sure .
lagi lagi bila bawak adik kannn
so im hoping for someone to pick me up and hantar balik rumah
HEHE senang je kauuuu

my another brother plakk ,
he's soooo busy smpai nak hntar adik sendiri pong takk boleh
he's going to KL this saturday so kena pack brg semuaa
ape laaaa

and my last chance ;

ayah , i know ur busy with ur workk
tapi boleh takkk hantar kami ke mana mana je yg ade panggung wayang ?

bodoh betul laaa ,
satu dunia cuti on 1st january every year
except for JOHOR
biol ekkkk
- ni ayah yg ckp ehhh -

kalaucuti kan boleh pi tengokk HUWAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :(


eh awak awak awak dan awak tuuu

sape sape je laa yg dpt 8a's ,
congratulations !





happy birthday to you !
happy birthday to you !
happy birthday to ama ,
happy birthday to you !

have a great great great day !
ama dah tua KEKE :DD

After 20 years..

wth ?
malaysia vs vietnam
we won 1-0

hajjar sms ;

eh jgn lupa tengok boyfriend aku ,
nombor 7 tuu

eiii tolong laa tak minat wehh
im not interested in bola sepak
satu benda pun aku tatau haha


just now i watched wanted and driving lessons
damn baru sekarang nak tgk
daa berapa bnyk kali repeat kat astro tu kan

james mcavoy hott gila
i mean , boleh tahan laa .
not as hot as channing tatum heheh.
and ,
robert pattinson jugak HAHAH
im in his team , obviously =.=


Help me! What should I do?

i've overcharged my camera
buat pertama kalinya
and i dont know wat to do
ehh sape yg tau ,
kalau ter-overcharge camera buat bodoh je ke ?
ataupon nnt ade effect kat bettery dia tuu ?
alaaaaaaaaaaa +.+

i've had this kinda situations before
tapi bukan dgn cam laa , tp fon .
battery fon tu terus gila .
pkai sekejap je battery dah low .
pastu off sendiri .
baboonnn betul\

yupp , and now ,
camera plakk .
start charging kul 12 AM
pastu baca novel punya pasal
excited sampai x ingat dunia
then sedaappp je tido dibuai mimpi kan

tup tup bangun pagi ,
lepas solat tdo balik .
still x ingat LANGSUNG about the camera .
bangun balik at 10
and walllaaahhhhh ,
nampak camera still di-charge
for 10 hours ,

cepat cepat cabut segala benda , off .
and then bila guna sekejap tadi ,
lampu merah kelip kelip mcm fireflies tuhh .
mampus aku wehh


hahahaha *evil laugh

I cant take it anymore!,

im pissed off
i tot it was already over last nite
but sambung lagi plak hari nih

yeaaa maybe i was so perasan last nite
i tot it was real
he seems like his trying to ..
haaaa ape ape je laa

bila fikir fikir balik ,
bukannye perasa ponn ,
cuma rase mcm ..

eh biar betol budak nih
eh dia ni ye ye je
kenapa ngan mamat nih

thats all .
sebab dia send sms tu mcm nak ngorat
x tau laa mybe im the one yg fikir mcm tu
padahal dia main main je

so i sms him ,
and after that baru he realize yg i perasan ,
okayyy silly me

but kalau perasan pon ,
that doesnt mean that i like him

tadi dia onl mmg menyakitkan hati
update mood dia
he told everybody about last nite ,
bukan bercerita kat semua org .
dia just ckp
"dila blablablablabla"

cmmon laa , xkan smpai satu dunia nak tau .
some of them are my friends ,
in fact ade jugak yg very close to me .
bengang la wehhh .
dorang mesti pikir

ee perasannya dila
ee wats wrong with dila ?
ee gatalnye dila

kalau i TERperasan sgt pon , fine .
lets settle this .
but just between u and me ,
i dont want everybody to get involve with any of my problems okayy .

but wats done is done .
lantak laaa .

last word ; MIDDLE FINGER UP

What is your problem dude?

ehhh machaaa
i've been there before laaa
with my parents lagi tauuu
wats ur problem ?
u think ur the only one yg boleh pergi sana ?
cari pasal betul

Berzombie di Zombieland

bangun pagi pergi mandi
mata sepet tdo lambat mlm tadi tuu
belum siap ayah da panggil
cepat cepat mintak mama duit
sebab kalau mintak ayah sure ta bagi punye wehh

dlm kereta dgr BBC ?
how boringgggg :/

smpai rumah shaf jadi minah ronggeng HUHAHUHA
buat buat ta tahu ayh dia ade dlm rumahh lagi
shaf kita mkn mee rebusss mcm nak muak kann
so ape nak buat , selamat jalan laa kau dlm dustbin tuhh
pqa dtg lalu bertolak lah kami ke CS

since kami pergi hari rabu maka ramai lah org yg bertandang
mcm semut tgh tunggu nak kena hembuss je kan
ohh ade TERjumpa senior kat sakti
im so shocked , i tried to cover my face
tapi dia nmpk jugak HAHA sia sia je

smpai smpai ape lagi tunaikan hajat la
U-shaped and konon la nak fringe kan
tapi fringe tade rezki beb
ala sebat potong je laaa
eh cina tu layer banyak sgt ahhh

i bought a novel , of course laa pkai discount card shaf kan
pluss , another two more novels
wa ta beli , shaf BAGI kan shaf kannn HEE

mkn mkn kat mcD je
air x order save duit NGAHAH

then masanya untuk berzombie
yeaa zombieland la sygg
one of the funniest movies i've ever watched
menjengkelkan jugak
seram wehh cara dia pukul zombie tu suka suka je kan
tapi mmg ta stop gelak
lagi lagi shaf ngan amy
ohhh korang gamat ehhh

masa balik bus kosong
pastu sebok je ramai org
tapi kami di belakang mmg kecahh
bluetooth snapping talking etc

and yupp masa kat cs jugak ,
ade jumpa sorang mamat nih
i once had a very big crush on him when i was in f3
he is sooo handsome wohoooo
i wanna get married with him ! NYEHS
tapi hhhaaraaapaannn la

pastu ape tah mls nak tulis lagii
penat laa satu hari jalan je


kucing tuhhh , da beranak !
ngeee tiga ekor ,
hopefully yg kali ni semua manja .

unlike mcm jessie punya anak ,
harap je mak manja ,
anak mcm ape jee .
hulur tgn nak bg mkn pong kena gigit .
melampau laa kan .

Just grab some books people.

alaaa , ppl nowadays ,
especially teenagers ,

kalau baca novel tuuuu

kalau ade part where they wanna have sex ;
sure baca balik banyak kali kannn

kalau ade part yg sweet-romantic konon ;
haa mulalahh senyum senyum kannnn

kalau part yg cemas mcm nak mati ;
dahi berkerut pastu lagi nak baca muka surat sebelahh

kalau dah habis baca ;
sometimes you feel like u wanna read it again ,
ataupun mcm sedih je nak tinggalkan novel tuu .

HAHA rilex ahhh ,
this kinda things happen to me too !

Here we go again

sudah lama cutucuti malaysia ,
now its time for me to do my revision .
especially addmaths .


but wateva it is ,
next week start tuition .
actually da lama nak tuition ,
tp cikgu tu ckp after budak spm abis exam addmaths .
so okayyyy i dont give a toss .

huih , last nite i called hajjar ,
dia da start tuition since the first week of holidays .
bukan once a week or twice a week ,
but everyday tuition la wehh .
WADEFAKKKK , kau cabar aku wehh .
aku da la x study pape pongg .

nama je anak dara ,
tp bangun kol 2 ptg ,
pastu mlm tdo lmbt baca novel cinta plak uhh .

im soooo mad .
im not mad at her ,
im actually mad at maself .
i've wasted my days dengan benda x berfaedah .
tp tgk new moon x termasuk ehh :P
now , bila nak start skola balik ,
baru terhegeh hegeh nak study .
aisehmennnn :/

no im not gonna study form5 punya topic .
kalau x phm lagi buang masa kann .
so i just go with the flowwww ,
form4 dulu okayyy .

dont worry dila syg :DD
its never too late .
still got time maaaa :)

A cute, naughty boy!

cik la menyampah laa dengan awk nihh ,
habis lebam tangan cik laaa tauu .
tapi awk cumel sgt .
x heran la kalau tgn cik la berdarah pongg .

sakit ah budak tecik !
ari tu masa kena lagi teruk .
merah jee , haihhh .

Last Monday

i've watched new moon .
awesome ! :DD


100 times pon xpe

haihhhh :S