After such a longlong time.
Finally kita berbual jugak!
Seiously, it has been such a loooongggg time tau.
Tujuh ke lapan bulan macam tu.
I called you.
I have a problem.
And I think you are the only person that can help me with the problem.
Yes, thank you!
You calmed me. Just by hearing your voice.
Betapa ragu ragunya aku nak call kau.
Betapa risaunya aku nak call kau.
Betapa takutnya aku nak call kau.
haa semua tu lahhh.
Kita gelakgelak bila borak pasal our past.
And at the same time, kita pun bersedih jugak haih.
Tapi nak buat macam mana kan.
Benda nak jadi.
Kalau lah aku boleh kembali ke masa silam kan best
haha ayat skema lol
Apa pun, I wish you the best of luck.
For everything.
Jangan pernah lupa aku tau!
And please please please..
You have to always remember this :
Take care.
And thanks jugak sebab sudi mendengar masalah aku.
Luangkan masa untuk aku.
And, luahkan isi hati kau jugak.
Thanks thanks and thanks!