what's the latest news ?
i dont know anything .
not even a single thing .
its so hard for me to see my frens these days .
org yg rumah dekat pun x bertegur .
haihhh .
sekolah semua sama je .
there's no big difference i guess .
ppl go to school everyday ,
study and when the bell rings ,
balik . thats all .
but what i really miss is that ..
my memories with my superb frens .
true frens are hard to find .
yeaaa , thats so fucking true .
sakti . emm .
bukan xde kawan .
ade , belambak lagi .
but they're not the type of frens that i want .
no , i'm not being picky , really .
i can be frens with anybody in this world but ,
to have a fren like my frens in DUA ,
never . nobody can replace them .
yupp , i miss every single thing about them .
just now , online .
when to momo's profile ,
and view her pics .
OMG . 4 science .
uhh ok ok .
i cried .
idk why .

this pic seems ok without me . huwaaaaa :(
hampir hampir terlupa sape dak 4s .
ngahahh sorry .
dylan - hes so cute .
tian ang - kacau org je .
i wonder what its like now in DUA .
sometimes i feel like
i've made a very big mistake in my life .
but like my mom always said ;
" its ur choice , u make ur own decision .
i didnt force u to "
uhhhh .
bosan yg amat .
just promise to me that u wouldn't forget me.
I miss smkdua too,
or to be exact smksp 2,
tapi sumenya tinggal kenangan je,
tak dpt nak ulang smula,
but after 5 years,
i still visit the school anually,
dulu kalau dtg smksp 2 dak2 batch spm 2007 was the last batch yg I kenal (time 2004 i form 5 diorang form 1),
tapi since kwn ngan dak2 st,
I have other reasons to got to that school,
diorang pon next year dah takde (this year spm),
tapi takpe,
i have another upcoming reason to visit the school often next year,
i wont buddy :) love ya .
promise me dun forget me too.
dila dila.
tak jadi pindah.
momo pujuk my mom laa.
dye kate oke.
wahhh , good !
thank god ur mom bg ,
if not ,
haihh x tau la kan .
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