In fact, I am still angry now.
I dont know why the hell did you that.
You guys didnt even know who am I talking about, or what am I talking about.
Come on lah.
Kenapa jadi macam ni seh.
Okay, to make it simple and clear enough.
These were the tweets that I have posted through twitter yesterday evening.
Honestly, saya tweet semua tu dalam keadaan yang marah.
So, of course lah, bila kita dah berapi, kita mmg tak boleh nak pikir panjang.
Kita tweet je apa yang kita rasa time tu.
So, that was what I did.
Rasa macam serba salah tweet semua tu, but then bila fikirfikir balik,
who cares? Kan. Because people dont know who am I talking about.
I didnt think it will cause a big problem, until I saw all these annoying tweets posted by my juniors at DUA.
Okay. Mula-mula, I was very curious about all these people and their tweets.
I was wondering..
Yup. I think I was right. THEY ARE BITCHING ABOUT ME.
Seriously they talked behind me.
I dont wanna take it too seriously at that time tau.
Tapi bila dah lamalama, tweet dorang makin buat diri ni berapi.
Tambah lagi dengan orang yang duk tanya "kenapa Dila?" and orang yang duk retweet retweet semua tweet dorang tu.
Girls, stop talking about me and my tweets.
I dont give a toss on what will you think about me after this.
But honestly,
Frankly, petang semalam aku duk sorang sorang kat dalam bilik.
Boring, so aku tengok lah gamba gamba lama dengan kawankawan masa kat Sakti dulu.
Tiba tiba aku jadi marah/sedih bila aku ternampak muka sorang minah ni.
She used to be one of my best friends.
All of the Saktians, including the teachers, semua tau kami memang rapat.
Tapi sekarang dah tak lagi.
I dont know why she didnt wanna be part of us anymore.
I dont know the specific reason.
Dah la tinggalkan ktorang tanpa sebab,
then boleh pulak kutuk ktorang belakangbelakang and dekat Facebook.
Thats all!
Walaupun benda dah lama, tapi bila teringat balik, tibatiba jadi marah.
Because she is my friend. We used to laugh/cry together.
You get me????!!!
And If you said that I didnt understand your feelings, You are so wrong sister.
I know exactly the feeling of losing a bestfriend. Aah, mmg lagi sakit daripada hilang boyfriend.
Stop with all this nonsense lah.
You guys misunderstood me.
And I was very offended last night.
People would think me as a bad person.
Sedangkan it is not even my fault.
Cause I didnt even talked about you guys!
Please! Apa kes aku tibatiba nak cakap pasal korang kan.
Aku sendiri tatau apa masalah korang.
Aku dah tak sekolah situ, silat pun aku dah lama tamat.
Kita pun mana rapat sangat. So? Macam tak logic je.
Aku tau korang dulu rapat, selalu bertiga kat sekolah.
But now, not anymore. Aku tau.
Tapi aku tau setakat situ je.
Aku malas nak amik tau lebihlebih.
Siapa aku? Nak jaga tepi kain korang ha.
Tolonglah faham.
Aku memang lah duduk dekat dengan rumah Nana tu.
But that doesnt mean that aku selalu datang rumah dia.
Apa lagi nak bergossip dengan dia pasal korang.
We are not even close to one another, walaupun kami berjiran!
Aku tak pernah nak seboksebok amik tau pasal korang.
Aku dengar cerita orang je, tapi aku bukannya percaya sangat pun.
I have my own perception!
And one more thing that you guys should know/realize.
People in this world can tweet about anything. ANYTHING they want.
Kalau lah korang betubetul ada terasa dengan tweet orang lain,
jangan lah main hembus/hentam orang tu.
Tak boleh tanya dulu ke? Susah sgt ke? Kalau tanak tanya publicly, tanya lah secretly, apa guna DM tu?
Kita tatau orang tu tweet pasal apa, pasal siapa.
And kita pun tatau situation orang tu macam mana.
Maybe situation kita dengan orang tu sama ke? Who knows?!
So, take a deep breath, and just ask!
Seriously, I wont mind pun kalau my juniors/my friends nak tanya pasal tweet tu.
Tanya je lah, Daripada duk mengata orang belakangbelakang. Lagi tak baik.
I think it is not me who needs to say sorry.
Because I have my own stories.
As a junior, and also as someone who is younger,
you guys should be ashamed of yourself.
Mind your manners. And seriously, respect the elders.
I dont ask for your apology.
I just want to clear all this thing so that there will be no more problems/misunderstandings between us.
I repeat myself, all those tweets were not about you guys.
Jangan perasan tweet tu pasal korang.
I dont give a damn on what will you guys think/talk/gossip about me after this.
But one thing for sure.
Think. And thank you.
PS // And for my friends, Im sorry because of the tweet that Ive posted. And also the F word that Ive said last night. I couldnt help myself, friends. I was so mad.
But anyway, thanks for all the advices and your care :) Thanks a lot. You guys calmed me.
Babe, what the hell is going on here? Just call me if you need me or anything tau! Anyway, I miss you lah SEMUT!!!!!!
Lol!! Idk who you are but I think.. Haha tatau lahh :P Ni mesti Saktians kan. sebab dorang je yang panggil aku semut! HAHAHAHA
Biasalah tu.. Tak semua org faham dgn situasi kite.. Harap ko bersabar..
Aku baca ni pon , aku jadi tak puas ati dgn org yg slh fhm tu . kesian kau doh . tak pasal2 kau yg kena hentam . dah lah dorang junior kau . betul la kau cakap , at least tanya dulu kan . ni tak . Btw , yang pasal cerita bestfriend kau tu , aku ingat weh ! Korang kan form4 baru masa tu , korang asyik berempat je mana2 pergi kan . Bila korang dah tak together anymore , semua dok heran . tu lah , jgn duk tengok lagi gambo2 lama tu . kau bako je ! hhahahaha
Lol kenapa dah ada yang comment. Berturut turut lagi. Aku baru je post kot -.-
Dah la. Aku tulis apa yang aku rasa je. Past is past lah. Cuma masa ni aku masih rasa sedih/sakit hati je. Hopefully tak berlaku lagi salah faham. Okay sorry and thank you.
Sabar jelaa bro. Aku pon pelik knp kau terjebak skali. Padahal... Nvermind. Foget it. Haha. Btw, aku pon kawan baik kau kan dulu? Remember? We used to be so close masa sekolah rendah? Hihi kbye!
Maaf ye, Atas ni siapa? Hahaha amirah ke?
I can be anyone ;) goodnight! Hihi
eh semut, yang AMIRAH tu kau mention amirah mane?? haahaa tetibe aku syok baca post kau. nak follow blog kau laa..haha boleh tau life kau. :p lol
siapakah anda saktian baik? Lol hahaha xD follow lah tak kesah
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